FHA Seminar Theatre

Content Sessions

From the latest food innovation trends to technological advancement, business insights, food sampling, sustainability and skills, FHA Seminar will see four days of seminars, thought- leadership, workshops and demonstrations by industry leaders, research companies, educational institutions and country pavilions.

Join seminars from our trading block of honor European Union, Canada, Ireland, Singapore Food Agency, Singapore Ministry of Trade, Asian Trade Center, Nanyang Poly, Gira, WGSN, GlobalData, Redmart, FoodPanda, HappyFresh, Nielsen IQ, Enterprise Singapore, NTUC Fairprice and more!

Seating capacity is limited for each seminar, registration is strongly encouraged.
Registration for seminars is a 2-step process:

1st step: registration for the tradeshow including questionnaire,
2nd step: register for onsite events/seminars (FHA-Food & Beverage)..




Join us on the first day at FHA Seminar to learn how Asia’s largest new trade partnership RCEP is unlocking novel business opportunities for manufacturers by Ministry of Trade and Asian Trade Center. Follow the presentations by powerhouses and buyers of Happy Fresh, Redmart or Food Panda who outline the now and next for fresh food e-commerce in Asia. Furthermore, do sample delicious foods during the dedicated presentations by the European Union, Meat Canada and the Irish food board BordBia. Likewise, GlobalData and Nielsen IQ are bringing you the latest consumer data analysis and F&B trends in Asia.
10:35 – 11:00

The Evolving Consumer: Tracing Value & Vision for a Changed Foodservice Sector

Tim Hill,

Key Accounts Director, GlobalData

This intelligence session will look at changes in Asian consumer behavior and how changes in foodservice sector and distribution channels offer surprising growth opportunities moving into 2023. Discretionary consumer spending indicated a trend to novel culinary experiences throughout the pandemic, with consumers also seeking foods with functional ingredients that promote health and wellness. However, ingredients that claim to boost immunity and digestive health are not the only products that have become more attractive as some gourmet foods experienced phenomenal growth despite the difficulties of Covid.

Drawing on GlobalData’s Consumer and Foodservice Intelligence Centres, Tim Hill will reveal major consumption pattern trends and innovative new product launches in Asia Pacific’s fastest-growing countries. Join this exclusive presentation to learn about:

  • Drivers for premium food consumption
  • Demographic differences in the consumption of premium foods
  • How different countries and demographics classify ‘quality’ foods
  • Which country’s consumers are likely to self-identify as ‘foodies’?
  • Successful product launches with innovation in novel, experiential and premium foods
11:05 – 11:45

Capitalize on Asia-Pacific’s Trade Potential: How RCEP is Unlocking Opportunities for F&B Companies

Deborah Elms,

Executive Director, Asian Trade Center

Gary Lee,

Director, Business Development, San Sesan

Sulaimah Mahmood (RCEP CN),

Senior Director, ASEAN and Southeast Asia and Oceania Division, Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore

Moderated by: Mary Elizabeth Chelliah,

Principal Trade Specialist, Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore

The world’s largest free trade agreement (FTA), the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), went into effect January 1. Its aim: to transform trade opportunities among Asian countries and accelerate the region’s economic recovery. The agreement will eliminate tariffs on more than 90% of goods over the next 15 years and introduce new rules on investment and intellectual property to further promote free trade.

Countries participating in RCEP’s new free trade zone are China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the 10 nations in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations — Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Join us for an exciting
seminar to understand:

  • Biggest wins for F&B manufacturers
  • How to set-up for duty optimization
  • Which raw materials and manufactured processes qualify for FTAs
  • FTA status and Certificates of Origin
  • Strategy that capitalizes on FTA benefits
  • Caveats to consider
12:00 – 13:00

BordBia – The Future of Food Sustainability and the Asian Consumer: Insights and Opportunities from Ireland

Charlie McConalogue,

Minister for Agriculture, Ireland

Michael Murphy,

Chief Executive (interim), Bord Bia, Irish Food Board

“The Future of Food Sustainability and the Asian Consumer: Insights and Opportunities from Ireland” will introduce Ireland’s food and drink sustainability credentials to an Asian trade audience. Featured speakers include Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue and the Irish Government Food Board CEO Michael Murphy, as well as senior industry representatives.
Join us to discover the latest consumer trends shaping the global food and drink industry

13:15 – 14:00

The Future of Fresh Food E-Commerce in Asia: Implications for Food Suppliers

Vaughan Ryan,

APAC Head of Ecommerce, Nielsen IQ

Emily Eades,

COO, HappyFresh

Gildas Chambrelan,

VP, Head of International Sourcing, Lazada

Abhishek Sahay,

Senior Director, New Verticals (APAC), foodpanda

Luke Tay,

Founder, Cornucopia FutureScapes

According to Rabobank “online fresh grocery sales will grow at a CAGR of 29% over the next five years, totaling USD 298bn by 2025. This means that online fresh food sales will increase their share of total fresh food sales from 11% in 2020 to over 30% by 2025,” according to Michelle Huang, Analyst – Consumer Foods. This indicates enormous opportunities for fresh food e-grocery.

New and existing platforms such as Gojek, through Goshop, and Grab, through its partnership with e- grocery player Happyfresh, have expanded the reach of the e-grocery industry. In Indonesia, traditional grocery retailers, which include wet markets and independent small grocers (warung), contribute close to 50% of food and beverage retail sales due to the perceived freshness and lower price in comparison to other modern channels. To meet this demand, several new startups, such as Tanihub and Sayurbox, launched in 2016 and 2017 respectively, have entered the market for farm-to-table solutions that establish a direct connection between farmers and consumers.

This roundtable will give an overview of the different Ecommerce protagonists in different Asian markets and analyze types of fresh e-grocery business models, how they have evolved due to Covid, and the key implications for both e-commerce platforms and suppliers. The roundtable is anticipated by a short presentation of the ecommerce trends driving the industry evolution: Join us to learn about:

  • Evolution of Ecommerce, the implication for food suppliers and outlook in Asia as Ecommerce accelerates (Nielsen IQ)
  • Opportunities for Fresh Products Singapore (RedMart/Lazada)
  • Opportunities for Fresh Producers in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand (HappyFresh)
  • Opportunities to reach Consumers that seek Convenience (foodpanda)
  • How delivery is blurring the line between retail and foodservice
  • How to improve shopper experience and performance using omnichannel insights
14:00 – 15:00

EU Meat Seminar & Cooking Demo – Discover the Diversity & Quality of European Meat

Representative from European Union

How much do you know about the true diversity and quality of European meats available in Singapore? Packed with valuable insights and a live cooking demo, this interactive seminar is a must for any food industry professionals looking to gain a deeper understanding of what makes European fresh and frozen meats stand out – and how you can leverage growing demand to level up your business in Singapore.

Join this seminar to:

  • Hear from meat specialists on the quality, diversity and market potential of EU meats, with real-
    world examples.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how ‘Geographical Indications’ (GI) – the EU’s own quality
    certification system to protect products unique to specific regions and their traditional
    production methods, represents added value for producers and consumers alike.
  • Get inspired with a live cooking demonstration of two recipes with a European chef showcasing
    authentic European meat products.
  • Grab the chance to sample the recipes for yourself with free tastings!
  • Put your questions to the expert during a Q&A session.

Don’t forget to also visit the European Pavilion at FHA Singapore (Hall 6 – Stand 6C3-01) to experience the quality, safety, authenticity and sustainability of a wide variety of EU agri-food products. See you there to discover what makes EU products truly More than Food, with stories behind each burst of flavour.

15:15 – 16:15

The Canadian Meat Seminar – Opportunities for Asia

Canadian Ambassador to Singapore

Trevor Sears,

CEO & President, Canada Pork Council (CPC)

Albert Eringfeld,

Executive Director, Export Market Development, Canada Beef International (CBI)

Organized by Canadian Embassy in Singapore in conjunction with Canada Beef International (CBI) and Canada Pork (CP), this educational session is to highlight the most important ways the meat industries is moving into the future. With Canada’s abundance land, fresh water, clean air, it’s a perfect place for raising animals. Canada’s meat producers are committed to sustainability of the land for future generations and to the human treatment of animals, with demonstrated global leadership in animal health. Canada’s exacting standards ensure consistently high quality, safe and wholesome meat. Food safety is the most important priority with systems for meat production on farm and at the processing level which are based on the internationally recognized HACCP model. Whether about sustainability, processing, quality improvements or trade opportunities, the seminar is organized for retailers, distributors, importers or hospitality to learn about Canada’s fine meat products. Enjoy the “Meat and Greet” closing networking reception at the Canadian pavilion while you mix and mingle with industry peers.

Canada Pork is the domestic and global market intelligence and promotion organization for the Canadian pork industry with members representing pork producers, processors and trading companies. Established in 1991, Canada Pork is a joint initiative of the Canadian Pork Council (representing Canada’s 7,000 commercial hog producers) and the Canadian Meat Council (representing Canada’s pork processing industry and meat trading companies). CBI is a Canadian national organization in charge of promoting and marketing Canadian beef worldwide. CBI actively works with importers, distributors, retailers and food services in the beef industry facilitating and supporting relationships between Canadian beef suppliers and clients from around the world.

16:30 – 17:00

Sustainable Supply Chains for Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Foods: Adoptions of Cold-Chain Management for Chilled & Frozen Foods

Chong Nyet Chin,

Director, Food Safety and Quality, NTUC FairPrice

Jian Feng Quek,

Senior Development Partner, Standards, Enterprise Singapore (ESG)

This seminar is aimed for food suppliers and manufacturers to understand the latest cold-chain management requirements and standards for their products. Learn about how small to medium SMEs can get certified and establish good cold chain practices to ensure food safety and quality. Larger firms will also learn on how to improve their operations. The seminar will guide the audience on:

  • Guidelines on cold chain management starting from farm to retail
  • Operational requirements to maintain cold chain integrity
  • Newly launched SS668 standards and technical references
  • Product and process quality control
  • Documentation required
  • Food standardisation programme in Singapore
  • Provisions for audit and certification




As Covid-19 significantly disrupted global commodity markets into 2021, the pressure on meat markets also increased through the rise of the African Swine Fever (ASF) and highly pathogenic Avian flu. Despite the serious outlook, the global meat market is valued at 322800 million USD in 2018 and will reach 408200 million USD by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 3.4% during 2019-2025

Day 2 will host several intelligence sessions focused on meat markets hosted by Gira. The team will bring over 50 years of experience on global meat markets to bear on the challenges faced in an exceptionally difficult year, focusing on the issues in Asia. Explaining the challenges facing the Asian meat supply chain in 2022 from high production costs, post Covid markets and the demand outlook as consumers balance inflationary pressures. The outlook will consider the challenges of 2022 and how they set the markets across Asia up for the next 5 years, in the light of changing global supply. The briefing is being positioned to help those working in and alongside the industry make more informed choices in the year ahead.

10:40 – 11:00

Challenges in Global Meat Supply 2022

Rupert Claxton,

Meat Director, Gira

The post Covid environment, war in the Ukraine, and changing consumer demands, all challenge industry structure and profitability, what is the impact on meat availability across Asia in a global market. Long standing issues including ASF and HPAI are layered onto the post Covid consumer experience, where supply chains have shifted quickly away from traditional distribution, into a modern branded cold chain. The global meat supply chain is under significant cost pressure, as soaring feed and energy costs, combine with tight labor availability, and challenges in major production centres. Despite the serious outlook, the global meat market is still growing at a CAGR of 2.4% during 2021-2025, as it recovers from the compounded disruption of ASF and Covid.

This interactive session will allow delegates to understand the global consequences of events in the supply chain, and to better identify future shocks, gaining a deeper understanding of the next cycle meat economics, and how they may impact their business. and Covid.

11:15 – 12:00

Drivers for Meat Demand Growth in Asia – Building beyond Covid

Rupert Claxton,

Meat Director, Gira

The mega trends pre-covid are still in place, disruption form ASF, increased demand for meat, and a strong preference for Chicken. But new mid-term trends are influencing the market; a move to online retail and delivered foodservice, strong SDG drivers, and inflationary pressure. Technology along the supply chain is becoming increasingly prevalent, central in ensuring high quality products, whilst delivering increased efficiency to a system under significant margin pressure. What are the main signals for your business, and how will they evolve as the world moves through this high cost period?

The session focusses on understanding the new trends and their mid-term influences and will end with a Q and A session and the chance to reflect on the different impacts of these trends across Asia.

12:15 – 13:00

Session Break

13:15 – 13:45

The Gen Z’s and the Future of Drinks

Rachel Tan,

Strategist, WGSN

Now between the ages of 10 and 25, accounting for a third of the global population, and a massive $360 billion of global direct and indirect spending power, Generation Z’s values and priorities are reshaping the future of drinks. Waterless formats, indigenous fusions, mood-boosting alcohol-free alternatives, phygital drinks and crypto cocktails are just some of the ways to target this demographic. We analyse and forecast the emerging trends that will inspire new products that cater to the needs, desires and wants of this ethnically diverse, wellness-minded, environmentally and socially conscious cohort.

14:00 – 15:00

EU Cheese & Fruit Workshop: Discover the Unlimited Pairing Potential of European Dairy and Fruit

Representative from European Union

Pairing cheese and sweet items is quickly gaining popularity in Singapore, but how many ways are there for your customers to enjoy quality European cheese and fruits in their next sweet and savoury fix? Serving up expert insights and a live cooking demo, this interactive seminar is a must for any food industry professionals looking to gain a deeper understanding of what differentiates European dairy and fruit products – and how you can leverage growing demand to level up your business in Singapore.

Join this seminar to:

  • Hear from dairy and fruit specialists on the quality, diversity and market potential of EU dairy and fruits.
  • Understand the true variety of European cheese – and how to select the right one for different uses.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how ‘Geographical Indications’ (GI) – the EU’s own quality certification system to protect products unique to specific regions and their traditional production methods, represents added value for producers and consumers alike.
  • Get inspired with a live cooking demonstration of two recipes with a European chef showcasing authentic European dairy and fruit products.
  • Grab the chance to sample the recipes for yourself with free tastings!
  • Put your questions to the expert during a Q&A session.

Don’t forget to also visit the European Pavilion at FHA Singapore (Hall 6 – Stand 6C3-01) to experience the quality, safety, authenticity and sustainability of a wide variety of EU agri-food products. See you there to discover what makes EU products truly More than Food, with stories behind each burst of flavour.

15:15 – 15:45

A New Generation Food Preservatives – All Natural, All Good

Elif Güngör Reis,

FoodTech Entrepreneur, FoodHack Istanbul, Advisor to Rector Istanbul Arel University, Arkim

This session will explore our food consumption trends and the increased demand for clean-label foods as we often are unaware of the many chemical food additives hidden in daily produce and FMCG’s. With a new generation food preservative and packaging systems, safety and sustainability as well as waste management can be substantially improved. Furthermore, global communities are stepping up their efforts with the help of universities, investors, startups and collaborate to solve grave systemic problems such as food waste. Join an engaging presentation on the new generation of preservatives and the role of international ecosystems.

16:00 – 17:00

Discover Moutai in All New Forms – From Gelato Creations to Novel Food Bites (Cooking Demo by Everglades)

Benson Tong,

Marketing Manager. Shing Chap International

Michael Koh,

Michael Koh, Director, Papitto Gelato

Discover Moutai in all new forms during this exciting demo which will show you the gelato, food and ingredients reflecting the iconic drink. The iconic baijiu will see all new interpretations as you can taste Everglades and Papitto Gelato’s newest creations. Meet Everglades also in Hall 6, 6m3-06



Day 3 | NYP Poly Learning Studio

Day 3 at the FHA Seminar Theatre is curated by Asian Culinary Institute from Nanyang Polytechnic, NYP Learning Studio will feature exciting workshops & seminars by leading university professors. Join in and follow to be equipped with the latest know-how and skills to stay competitive in the F&B industry!

10:00 – 11:30

Food Safety Workshop – An Allergen Management Demo in Partnership with 3M

Dr Gan Heng Hui,

Senior Specialist (Food Chemistry & Safety) and Senior Lecturer. NYP School of Applied Science

Carissa Lim

Application Engineer, 3M

In the food industry, no facility is free from the risk of contamination. With so many back-to-back food safety breaches and product recalls reported yearly, this workshop shall provide timely technical knowledge and holistic overview of food safety facts to the industry, offering them possible know-how, technology to help them prevent, monitor, detect and better understand food safety management.

Allergen management ought to consider all aspects of the handling process, storage and identification of ingredients, production, and service of the menus, and must be evaluated and updated continuously, as for other food hygiene control measures. Implementation of an allergen control plan based on HACCP principles is the easiest way to promote good practices and preventive measures among food handlers in the gan hengfood service establishment and central kitchen production.

This workshop provides guidance on allergen control through the application of appropriate validation, verification, and monitoring, especially if separate processing areas and equipment are not possible, cleaning becomes the major method of allergen control on shared production lines.

11:45 – 12:30

Drivers for Meat Demand Growth in Asia – Building beyond Covid

Roger Chan,

Senior Lecturer, Diploma in Food & Beverage Business, NYP School of Business Management

A matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’: This is the leap that the F&B Industry must take to embrace change in these endemic times. Over the last 2 years, governments around the world raced to control the spread of the Coronavirus by implementing tight border controls and strict social distancing measures. Food and beverage establishments were forced to explore new ways of doing businesses, maintaining ‘Value’ as we strived for optimum ‘Revenue’. The Food and Beverage industry continues to be one of the most dynamic and challenging industries offering a wide variety of career and business opportunities. The industry is currently facing unprecedented rapid change in operating environment fuelled by the pandemic, technology advancement and changing customer profiles and expectations.

This seminar aims to provide F&B practitioners a means of understanding and discovering the customer experience by analysing their thought and behavioural process through a series of interactions. In times of change there are opportunities to innovate and transform to provide highly positive outcomes and value to our customers. Attendees will learn how to use customer journey mapping as a tool to understand customer behaviour and emotional motivation. This seminar will cover the practical application of journey mapping for understanding and optimizing customer experiences, increasing customer satisfaction, and overcoming gaps. In this seminar, you will learn:

  • To use customer journey mapping as a tool to enhance customer experience
  • How to identify potential challenges, increase customer satisfaction and overcome gaps by applying customer journey mapping
12:30 – 13:00

Networking & Lunch Break

13:00 – 13:45

Food Waste Management

Dr Henry Leung,

Senior Specialist and Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Science, Nanyang Polytechnic

Global food waste is a complex problem that threatens food security and environmental sustainability. It points towards massive inefficiencies and severe mismanagement of resources in the global food network. Reducing food wastage, redistributing unsold or excess food, and recycling/treating food waste are important components of our national waste management strategies to work towards Singapore becoming a Zero Waste Nation under the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint 2015. Everyone can play an active part in this, join us to learn how food waste can be upcycled into premium food products or more eco-friendly materials for various applications.

14:00 – 14:45

Upcycling Food in Action

Chef Gn Ying Wei, Reis,

Culinary Trainer, Asian Culinary Institute

What is Upcycled Food? It is food that would normally be thrown away but is instead, repurposed to make new food product. It is becoming a talked-about issue for companies as well as home cooks, since wasting food hurts the bottom line – throwing out food is like throwing away money. Watch ACI’s Chef Ying Wei demonstrate how you can turn food waste into a whole new dish that is sure to be your next party pleaser.

15:00 – 15:45

Sake Appreciation

Shunsuke Kusubashi,

Lecturer & Programmes Facilitator, Asian Culinary Institute

Sake is increasingly becoming a popular and trendy alcoholic beverage in the market, and many has sought this beverage due to its fine art of production and good health benefits. Let ACI’s Japanese trainer Shun take you to the world of Sake: how Sake is produced, and if you are the lucky few early birds seated in the front row, Chef Shun might just share his stash of Sake with you.

16:00 – 16:45

Data – The Missing Restaurant Ingredient

Karthik Bakthavathsalem,

Senior Lecturer, NYP School of Business Management

The advent of digitalisation coupled with an increasingly discerning customer profile and strong competitive dynamics are requiring firms in the restaurant/food service industry to improve their analytics capabilities to gain market share.

In today’s environment where data is bountiful, it becomes even more crucial for F&B establishments to harness and optimise the use of data to make critical and informed decisions. Through this session, you will gain an understanding of how to handle and manage data effectively and to convert it into useful information for analysis and productivity gains. Big data is changing the world around us, and it is changing the F&B industry for the better. This industry has huge potential for applying big data solutions and data analytics to empower businesses. Many restaurants are leveraging on data analytics to design inventory, reduce expenses, improve quality control, meet changing demands, enhance customer experiences, reduce waste, save resources, and ultimately boost revenue. Learn about the future and power of restaurant analytics and how this will drive change in the F&B industry of tomorrow.



Day 4 | Food Export Workshop

On day four of the FHA Seminar theatre agenda, we offer a capacity building workshop for Singapore based SMEs from the F&B sector. Manufacturers, distributors, exporters and brand owners are invited to join our facilitators to accelerate their understanding on the latest trade policies and grant structures that Singapore has to offer.

10:30 – 11:00

Serve up a Storm with RCEP I – A SFA Workshop for Singapore SMEs on Food Exports

Victor Li,

Deputy Director, Industry Development and Community Partnership, SFA

Mary Elizabeth Chelliah,

Trade Specialist, Ministry of Trade & Industry

Sulaimah Mahmood (RCEP CN),

Senior Director, ASEAN and Southeast Asia and Oceania Division, Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore

This workshop will discuss food export requirements, with a focus on RCEP countries. Singapore-based companies in the food and beverage sector such as manufacturers, brand owners and exporters, who are looking at internationalizing are encouraged to attend.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement (FTA) between China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the ten nations in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations — Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. RCEP aims to lower tariffs over time and aims for faster custom clearance for a vast range of products and ingredients.

11:15 – 11:45

DServe up a Storm with RCEP II – A SFA Workshop for Singapore SMEs on Food Exports

Victor Li,

Deputy Director, Industry Development and Community Partnership, SFA

Mary Elizabeth Chelliah,

Trade Specialist, Ministry of Trade & Industry

Sulaimah Mahmood (RCEP CN),

Senior Director, ASEAN and Southeast Asia and Oceania Division, Ministry of Trade & Industry Singapore


This workshop will discuss food export requirements, with a focus on RCEP countries. Singapore-based companies in the food and beverage sector such as manufacturers, brand owners and exporters, who are looking at internationalizing are encouraged to attend.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement (FTA) between China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the ten nations in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations — Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. RCEP aims to lower tariffs over time and aims for faster custom clearance for a vast range of products and ingredients.

12:15 – 13:15



Pre-register your visit to FHA-Food & Beverage to enjoy a full waiver of the admission few amongst other perks!

                  • Full waiver of the SGD 80 admission fee
                  • Access the online business matching portal to pre-arrange meetings
                  • Full access to the online show directory and floorplans
                  • Print your own admission badge from the comfort of your home/office

Online pre-registration for visitors to FHA-Food & Beverage will resume in September 2020.
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