Download photos and logos for FHA-Food & Beverage here. Catch up on event updates and past highlights with our videos below.


Recapture the moments at FHA where new connections were established, bonds renewed, business deals sealed,
fresh industry insights gained and spectacular creations presented at competitions.

Competition & Activities
Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony


Replay the best of 2022. For older videos, head on down to our YouTube channel for more on exhibitor’s experiences, industry insights and many other bit-sized goodness.

  • Highlights

    FHA-Food & Beverage 2020

    What to expect at FHA-HoReCa 2020

    A Successful FHA2018 Set New Record Highs

  • 2018 Exhibitor Interviews

    FHA speaks with Bravo Asia

    FHA speaks with WMF Group

    FHA speaks with Qatar Pavilion

    Show More

  • 2018 Daily Highlights

    FHA-Food & Beverage 2022 Day 1 Highlights

    FHA-Food & Beverage 2022 Day 2 Highlights

    FHA-Food & Beverage 2022 Day 3 Highlights

    FHA-Food & Beverage 2022 Day 4 Highlights

    Show More


The logo may be displayed on materials that make reference to FHA-Food & Beverage by exhibitors or media covering the event.

  • The minimum print size of the logo is 10mm in height and minimum screen size is 60px in height.The logo should not be used in a smaller size than specified.
  • The logo can be reproduced only in their entirety and standalone format.



For further assistance, please contact us.

Save the Date for Our Next Mega Event in 2022