Robert Beck

Judge of FHA Beer Awards, FHA-Food & Beverage 2020

Master Brewer, Archipelago Brewery

After graduating from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh with a Bsc hons in Brewing and Distilling in 2005, Robert went straight into the Cask craft brewing industry in Somerset, UK. After 6 months he went back to his home town of Newcastle to take on the role of Head Brewer at a successful local craft brewery. He learned his trade there for 3 years until deciding he wanted to learn how to brew international beer styles, so took up the Head Brewer position at a craft brewery in Ontario, Canada. Since then he has worked in and run breweries in Australia, Bermuda, Singapore, India and now back in Singapore. Currently Robert is in charge of all production at Archipelago Brewery and deals with all aspects of running Singapore’s largest Craft brewery and assisting with many R&D projects for Tiger and Heineken.

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