Alvin Lim

Judge of FHA Beer Awards, FHA-Food & Beverage 2020

Co-Owner, Taps Beer Bar

Alvin and his 4 cousins started a craft beer bar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia called Taps Beer Bar 8 years ago. It was also believed to be the 1st beer bar which is dedicated to serving only craft beers in Malaysia. They also started a craft beer distribution company called MyBeer not long after the opening of Taps Beer Bar. The cousins also organised a small scaled beer festival called The Better Beer Festival which was a success year after year but had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Alvin’s love of beer and care for the quality of beers that they import into Malaysia is second to none. He is also the “Beer Guy” in the company who does the leg work of sales, events, outlet setups, educating and training for all the outlets that they distribute craft beers to. He decides on which brewery or beers to import into Malaysia based on the market that they are in…and sometimes based on what he wants to drink.

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